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{"@context":"","@type":"FAQPage","mainEntity":[{"@type":"Question","name":"How to Post to Instagram - JCN Support","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"<p>Here's how to schedule an Instagram post in your Jewish Content Network dashboard.</p>\n<ol>\n<li>To schedule a post that will be added as an ad in a publisher's Instagram account, first click click “create post” in the corresponding Instagram campaign.</li>\n</ol>\n<p><img src="" alt="" /></p>\n<p>You'll be take to a separate page where you can create your ads, edit existing ads that are currently scheduled, and see an archive of past ads you've already posted. Click the button on the top right corner to create a "New Post"</p>\n<p><img src="" alt="" /></p>\n<ol start="2">\n<li>In the popup that appears, you can define all the different components of your post. Your image, (1) which should be a square 1,200 x 1,200 pixel graphic, or video that's under 19mb in size. You can also define (2) an Instagram account you'd like to have tagged in your post, and (3) any text and hashtags that you'd like to accompany the post. </li>\n</ol>\n<p><img src="" alt="" /></p>\n<ol start="3">\n<li>Your post is almost ready to go live! Select the date and from the list of available times and and then press "save" and your post will be uploaded at the time you specified.</li>\n</ol>\n<p>![](</p>"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How long will my impressions last?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"<p>You’ve bought impressions. Your excited to start getting new leads for your business. But you want to know, how long will those impressions last you?</p>\n<p>We wish there was a simple answer.</p>\n<p>But the problem is, this is entirely dependent on supply and demand. If less people visit the sites you’re advertising on, or if there are lots of other advertisers also advertising at this specific time, there will be less opportunities to show your ad.</p>\n<p>So your impressions might distribute faster or slower than you might like. The good news though, is that since you’re paying per impression, you’ll&nbsp;only be “charged” for an actual result – your ad being shown.</p>\n<p>For trivia’s sake, at the time of writing this article, an average ad distributes about 25,000 impressions per day. Now you can just do the math on how long your impressions should last. But again, this could change at any time, based on a variety of factors.</p>\n<p>Huge advertising platforms like Google and Facebook never promise a specific number of impressions per dollar either, because it’s just impossible to predict.</p>\n<blockquote>\n  <p>A better question might be – what are you trying to accomplish?</p>\n</blockquote>\n<p>We offer two tools that can help you manage your campaigns, and accomplish two of the most common goals:</p>\n<h3 id="iwanttouseupmyimpressionsasquicklyaspossible">“I want to use up my impressions as quickly as possible”</h3>\n<p>This is particularly common if you have a time sensitive campaign where you want to “blitz” everyone with news about your fundraiser or sale. For that, we offer the “boost” feature, where yo</p>"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How to Manage Your CPM Campaigns","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"<p>CPM campaigns are any campaigns where you pay for a certain amount of impressions of your ad; you’re paying for your ads to appear on a page for a certain number of times.</p>\n<p>As opposed to ads where you just post and forget them (like our Instagram ads), impressions ads give you an ongoing inventory and timeline that allows you to tweak and modify your campaign as it progresses. This means you’ll be able to maximize your campaign’s budget and learn more about your audience along the way. </p>\n<p>While each of our CPM ad products is slightly different, the broad strokes remain the same for all of them, and can be broadly divided into three main areas: <strong>Campaign Settings</strong>, <strong>Media & Placement</strong>, and <strong>Stats</strong>. </p>\n<p>Let’s explore each one in more detail:</p>\n<h1 id="campaignsettings">Campaign Settings</h1>\n<p>Every campaign has several settings that apply to it on the account level. They are all contained under the column called “campaign” in the JCN dashboard. </p>\n<p>In the screenshot below, you can see how much budget we have remaining on this account, as well as links to add to the <strong>budget</strong>, define when your campaign should **start **and <strong>stop</strong>, and target your campaign to <strong>specific geographical areas</strong>. </p>\n<p><img src="" alt="" /></p>\n<p>Other than budget, every other setting is optional, although <strong>we recommend setting an end date</strong> if you want to make sure your budget lasts for a certain amount of time. </p>\n<p>Once you add your additional settings, they’ll all </p>"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Creating CPM Ads","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"<h1 id="mediaplacement">Media &amp; Placement</h1>\n<p>Creating and editing ads is where you'll spend the bulk of your time on the JCN dashboard. On the main campaign page, you'll see that each campaign has a column called "Media" that shows you how many ads you have already created for each campaign, and where you've chosen to place them (if relevant to that specific ad type). </p>\n<p>You also have links to "Edit Media" where you can create and edit your ads, and "Edit Placement" if your ad appears on multiple websites.</p>\n<p><img src="" alt="" /></p>\n<h3 id="media">Media</h3>\n<p>Start by creating an ad. Click “Edit Media”, and you’ll be taken to a new page where you can add and edit your ads for that campaign. At the top left of the page, you can see which campaign’s media you’re editing. Below it will be all the media you’ve already created, if any. </p>\n<p><img src="" alt="" /></p>\n<p>On the top left is a button to add new media. When you click “Add Media”, a popup will appear when you can add the information for your ad. </p>\n<p><img src="" alt="" /></p>\n<p>This is where there might be a discrepancy between the different ad products – for example, banners ads just have an image and a link, while homepage articles might require a homepage and an excerpt as well. Here’s a list of all the types of information you might be asked to upload when cre</p>"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How to Create a Landing Page in the JCN Dashboard","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"<p>Landing pages are an important part of any marketing campaign. </p>\n<p>They are the destination that people arrive at after they click on your ad, and a well-created landing page is important for making sure the money you’ve spent on driving traffic to the page doesn’t go to waste. </p>\n<p>Some marketing strategists even argue that <a href="">a landing page is more important than your actual site</a>, because you can customize each page to the specific needs of that audience and that campaign. This, instead of your site’s homepage message that must by necessity caters to everyone. </p>\n<p>We’ve built a basic landing page creation tool within the JCN dashboard, making it easy for you to build landing pages to go along with your ad campaign. Any page you create will include a link that you can add to your campaign media, thus allowing you to create everything you need in a campaign within one single dashboard. </p>\n<h3 id="creatingalandingpage">Creating a landing page</h3>\n<p>In your dashboard, click the Tools / Landing Pages link on the left hand menu. </p>\n<p><img src="" alt="" /></p>\n<p>Click the button on the top right of the page to create a new landing page.</p>\n<p><img src="" alt="" /></p>\n<p>On your page, you must add a headline, title, and text that will be the body of the page, like the text in an article. Just click the p</p>"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"The Jewish Content Network Refund Policy","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"<p>Please note the following important terms of service regarding your purchases through the Jewish Content Network. Use of our platform and services is contingent on the acceptance of these terms. </p>\n<p>Purchased posts, (such as Instagram, WhatsApp, email blasts, or PR blasts) cannot be fully refunded, because payment is made to the relevant publishers at the time of sale. We can only refund the Jewish Content Network’s commission portion of the sale.</p>\n<p>We will refund unused impressions from impressions campaigns upon a client’s request. However, a 3.5% processing fee will be subtracted from the refunded amount, unless the original charge was made in error.  Note, that refunds are only issued relative to the amount actually paid, and do not apply to bonus impressions. For example if you paid $1,000 and used half your impressions, you’ll only receive back $500 regardless of how many impressions you actually still have remaining. </p>\n<p>We are not responsible for the success or failure of any campaign. Even when we do our best to assist with a campaign, we do so as a courtesy because our client’s success is important to us. Ultimately though, we are a technology company that provides media placement services online, with no guarantee to their effectiveness. No marketing agency can ever promise results, and we never do so as a matter of policy. To this end, we will not issue refunds for impressions already used.</p>"}}]}

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