DNS Records


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{"@context":"","@type":"FAQPage","mainEntity":[{"@type":"Question","name":"Put your ChurchDesk website online","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"<h2 id="thingsyouneedtogetstarted">Things you need to get started</h2>\n<ul>\n<li>You need to know your domain(s)</li>\n<li>Username/email and password for the account at your domain host</li>\n<li>This guide</li>\n</ul>\n<p>|| Please note that ChurchDesk is not your domain host. You can check who your domain host (the company where you bought your churches domain name/URL) is by going to <a href="">this site</a>. Enter your churches domain name/URL and search. The information you need ("Hostname") is in the section "Name servers".</p>\n<h2 id="step1updateyourdomainsettingsatyourdomainhost">Step 1 - Update your domain settings at your domain host</h2>\n<p>When you are ready to go online with your ChurchDesk website, there are a few DNS settings that need to be made on your domain name.</p>\n<p><strong>These DNS settings need to be changed in the account you have at your domain host's</strong>:<br />\n**<br />\nYou either have to log into your domain host account and make the changes to the settings yourself, or you can send this guide to your domain host's support and they will do it for you. If you have more than one domain showing your ChurchDesk website, you need to change the A-Records at the respective domain host(s) for all of the domains.</p>\n<p><strong>These two DNS records need to be set up like this</strong> (IPv4 only):</p>\n<ul>\n<li>An A-Record where [] points to</li>\n<li>An A-Record where [] points to&nbsp;</li>\n</ul>\n<p><strong>Remember to remove the A-Records that are pointing to the old IP address!</strong></p>\n<h2 id="step2goingliveupdatingyourdomainsinchurchdesk">Step 2 - Going live: Updating your domains in ChurchDesk</h2>\n<ul>\n<li>Go to the website module in ChurchDesk. Mak</li>\n</ul>"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How to get help - Churchdesk contact information","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"<p>We are ready to help - no question is too big or too small :-)</p>\n<h3 id="startwithanintroductionbyjoiningourliveclasses">Start with an introduction by joining our live classes</h3>\n<p>Our live classes are the best way to get introduced to ChurchDesk. They run "live" on a regular basis. You can also access a recorded webinar on-demand. They cover everything you need to know to become successful with ChurchDesk.&nbsp;</p>\n<p><a href="">Click here to get to our live classes</a></p>\n<h3 id="thisishowyoucanreachus">This is how you can reach us</h3>\n<ul>\n<li><p>You can write to us at <a href=""></a></p></li>\n<li><p>You can chat with us directly from within ChurchDesk. We usually respond within a couple hours.</p></li>\n<li><p>We are also happy to talk - simply call us at <a href="callto:+4420%203808%205097">+44 (0) 20 3808 5097</a>. </p></li>\n<li><p>We are open Monday to Friday 08:00 - 12:30 and 13:00 - 15:00 (GMT).</p></li>\n<li><p>If you need an in-depth advice or have a more complicated question we encourage you to book a video call meeting with your adviser. When you're logged into ChurchDesk you click "Get help" and book a time in their calendar that works for you.</p></li>\n</ul>\n<h3 id="wewouldliketogetyourfeedback">We would like to get your feedback</h3>\n<p>ChurchDesk is continuously being improved. If you have ideas or input for improvements, we are happy to hear about them.</p>\n<p>We look forward to hearing from you!</p>"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Create, edit and delete lists","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"<p>In ChurchDesk it is possible to group contacts into various lists. Lists makes it easier for you to communicate in a targeted and tailored way to a group of contacts instead of communicating with everybody in the same way.&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Some contacts might be interested in children's activities, because they have children, others are interested in senior activities and others again have an interest in concerts. A list is a group of contacts matching the same filters being tags (interests) or other criteria such as birthday, location, school etc.</p>\n<p>The outcome is that you can send newsletters about children's activities to contacts who have expressed interest in that while sending other newsletters to contacts who have different interests.</p>\n<h2 id="createalist">Create a list</h2>\n<p>In People you can create liste in two different ways: via the left-hand side filter and Tags</p>\n<p><strong>Create list using the filter</strong></p>\n<p>In People you can use the filters on the left-hand side to define the criteria for belonging to a new list. You can filter based on data about the contacts including tags. You can also filter on Contributions data (behavioural data including donations or payments to e.g. concerts). &nbsp;Select the filter criteria you need for this list and save by clicking "Create list". Then you simply need to provide a fitting name for the segment.</p>\n<p><img src="" alt="" /></p>\n<p><strong>Create from Tags</strong></p>\n<p>If you want to create a list out of one of</p>"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Payments & Giving FAQ","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"<h2 id="howdoesitwork">How does it work?</h2>\n<p>We work with Stripe to accept payments. Payments &amp; Giving is very easy to use, and you won't even notice that we are using a third-party provider. You get the security and reliability without having to use multiple systems.</p>\n<p>With ChurchDesk you can manage everything from within ChurchDesk. We believe it doesn't get any better.</p>\n<h2 id="whoisstripe">Who is Stripe?</h2>\n<p>Every year, Stripe processes several million dollars to tens of thousands of companies worldwide. These include both Fortune 500s and small business. You can read more about our partner here: <a href=""></a></p>\n<h2 id="isstripesecure">Is Stripe secure?</h2>\n<p>Stripe meets and exceeds the most stringent industry standards for security. They are also audited by a PCI-certified auditor, and are certified to PCI Service Provider Level 1 (the highest level of certification available.) You can learn more about the technical details of Stripe's secure infrastructure <a href="">here</a>.</p>\n<h2 id="whatdoesitcost">What does it cost?</h2>\n<p>**United Kingdom:<br />\n**Per transaction 2.60% (rounded of to the nearest penny) and a fixed fee of £ 0.20</p>\n<p>**Outside of EU and UK we support - NOK, CHF, SGD, MXN, USD &amp; CAD:<br />\n**Per transaction 3.90% (rounded of to the nearest cent) and a fixed fee equivalent of $0.37 will be charged in local currency (subject to change in currency rates).</p>\n<p>Is your currency not included? We are happy to add this. Please e-mail us at:</p>\n<h2 id="whichcreditcardsaresupported">Which credit cards are supported?</h2>\n<p>Stripe can h</p>"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Create personal / pastoral notes in ChurchDesk","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"<p>At ChurchDesk we believe having the right tool for your private notes can have a positive impact on how clergy can exercise their pastoral care.</p>\n<p>All users can create personal notes on the church's contacts. These notes stay personal. They cannot be shared or handed over to someone else, and can only be seen and managed by the person who created them.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p>\n<h3 id="oncontact">On contact:</h3>\n<p>On the 4th tab of the contact "Pastoral Notes", you can see who added a note and when, but you cannot read the note.&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Click "Add pastoral note" to create a new note or click a note, created by yourself to read and/or edit.</p>\n<p><img src="" alt="" /></p>\n<h3 id="overviewofpastoralnotes">Overview of pastoral notes:</h3>\n<p>Select Pastoral&nbsp;notes in the black bar on the left when working with contacts.</p>\n<p>You can search the notes and choose whether you want to view all notes (like here) or only your own notes. And again: You can only read and edit your own notes.</p>\n<p><img src="" alt="" /></p>\n<p>Pastoral notes are visible in the ChurchDesk Mobile App too.</p>"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"Overview of Payments & Giving","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"<p>In Payments &amp; Giving it is easy to get an overview of all contributions that are donated/paid to the church online. This information can easily be exported to Excel, so that the information on donations can be sent to the tax. Simply select "Export" and then the time period. </p>\n<p><img src="" alt="" /></p>"}}]}

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