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{"@context":"","@type":"FAQPage","mainEntity":[{"@type":"Question","name":"How do I add a live chat to my website?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"<p><strong>So, you just signed up to Crisp and are ready to add the chatbox widget to your website. Great! This page will help you add a chat to your website seamlessly. There is no need to be a developer.</strong></p>\n<p>First, we must check which content management system your website runs on. <strong>Does it run on WordPress? Is it coded from scratch?</strong></p>\n<h1 id="videotutorialonhowtoaddalivechatonawebsite">Video tutorial on how to add a live chat on a website:</h1>\n<p>${youtube}<a href="nW5UX6iVdFc">Video tutorial on how to install a chat widget using HTML</a></p>\n<p>Don't forget to <a href="">subscribe to our Youtube Channel</a> for tips and tricks about Crisp and customer service</p>\n<h1 id="installalivechatformostwebsites">Install a live chat for most websites</h1>\n<p><strong>Here is how to retrieve your Workspace identifier:</strong></p>\n<ul>\n<li>Go to</li>\n<li>Then click Workspace Settings\n<img src="" alt="" /></li>\n<li>Go to <strong>Chatbox</strong></li>\n<li>Copy the script tag</li>\n</ul>\n<p><img src="" alt="" />\n<strong>In the file serving the first portion of your HTML ( <code>&lt;head /&gt;</code>) section, copy and paste the code we provided just before the <code>&lt;head /&gt;</code> tag.</strong></p>\n<p><em>If you can't find the <code>&lt;head /&gt;</code> tag, you can also copy the chatbox widget code before the end of the HTML body, eg: right before the <code>&lt;body /&gt;</code> tag.</em></p>\n<h1 id="installawebsitechatwidgetonwordpresswebsites">Install a website chat widget on WordPress websites</h1>\n<p><strong>If your website is running WordPress</strong> , you have to follow [this tut</p>"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How to use Triggers?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"<p><strong>Triggers can be used to send automated events to the chatbox of your visitors & users. Triggers are activated upon events, and execute a given set of actions. You can configure as many Triggers as you wish for the same website on Crisp.</strong></p>\n<p>Triggers help you <strong>automate your marketing</strong> by triggering automated chatbox actions, based on events, on the screen of your visitors. You can, for instance, <strong>send automated messages</strong> based on what page your visitor is visiting.</p>\n<p>Here is a full guide about <a href="">live chat trigger example</a>.</p>\n<p>This guide goes into explaining the general concepts of triggers, and how everything is linked together.</p>\n<p>Don't forget to <a href="">subscribe to our Youtube Channel</a> for tips and tricks about Crisp and customer service.</p>\n<p>| Triggers are available from the Crisp Pro plan</p>\n<h1 id="videotutorial">Video tutorial:</h1>\n<p>${youtube}<a href="XAjSzgxziSw">Video tutorial on how to use Triggers</a></p>\n<h1 id="createyourfirsttrigger">Create your first trigger</h1>\n<h3 id="gotothetriggersplugin">Go to the triggers plugin</h3>\n<ul>\n<li>Go to</li>\n<li>Then go to plugins (in the sidebar)</li>\n<li>Search for "triggers"</li>\n</ul>\n<h3 id="newtrigger">New trigger</h3>\n<ul>\n<li>Click on the new trigger button.</li>\n<li>Then name your trigger. You can for instance name it <code>My First Trigger</code>,</li>\n<li>An identifier will be required. It can be useful in the future. You can name it <code>my-first-trigger</code></li>\n<li>Then scrolldown and toggle <strong>Show a message</strong></li>\n</ul>\n<p>![](</p>"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How can I open the chatbox on click on a custom button?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"<p><strong>The Crisp chatbox can be opened and closed via your website JavaScript code. This allows you to create custom "Chat with us" buttons on your website, and trigger the Crisp chatbox to open when a visitor clicks on such buttons.</strong></p>\n<p><strong>You can use the following JavaScript code to open the Crisp chatbox:</strong></p>\n<pre><code class="js language-js">$crisp.push(['do', 'chat:open']);\n</code></pre>\n<p><strong>You can call it directly when an user clicks on a button:</strong></p>\n<pre><code class="html language-html">&lt;button onclick="$crisp.push(['do', 'chat:open'])"&gt;Click Me!&lt;/button&gt;\n</code></pre>\n<p>| Want to know more about the $crisp interface? Read: <a href="">How to use $crisp Javascript SDK?</a></p>\n<p>Don't forget to <a href="">subscribe to our Youtube Channel</a> for tips and tricks about Crisp and customer service</p>"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How do I add a Chatbot to my website?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"<p>**The chatbot plugin helps you to create your own chatbot. Draw complex response flows, with events (eg. user sent message), actions (eg. send response message) and conditions (eg. check segment). With our bot builder you can craft answers coming from any channels website, Messenger, Instagram, WhatsApp, Line or SMS, etc.  **</p>\n<p>This guide goes into explaining how to add a chatbot to your website, and how you can get the most out of it. Our <a href="">chatbot software</a> comes with a <a href="">no-code chatbot builder</a> so you can build chatbot scenarios without any coding skills.  </p>\n<p>To access the chatbot plugin and install it, simply go to Plugins &gt; Bot  </p>\n<p>A chatbot is different from a live chat widget, if you're looking for ways to add a chat widget to your website, please <a href="/en/article/how-to-add-a-live-chat-to-my-website-10wcj3l/">click here</a>.  </p>\n<h1 id="videotutorialhowtocreateahumanlikechatbotformywebsite">Video tutorial: How to create a Human-like chatbot for my website</h1>\n<p>${youtube}<a href="HlkuigxN1nE">How to build a human-like behaviour for your chatbot?</a></p>\n<p>Don't forget to <a href="">subscribe to our Youtube Channel</a> for tips and tricks about Crisp and customer service.  </p>\n<p>| Feeling ready to create your first Chatbot scenario? Check out our <a href="/en/article/getting-started-with-the-crisp-chatbot-hrmysb/">Getting Started with the Crisp Chatbot</a> guide!</p>\n<hr />\n<h3 id="addachatbotforinstagramdm">Add a chatbot for Instagram DM</h3>\n<p>➡️ [click here](/en/</p>"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How do I install Crisp Live chat on WordPress?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"<p><strong>Installing Crisp Live chat widget on WordPress is really easy!</strong></p>\n<p>|| If you use Woocommerce and would like to see your customers carts and orders, see our <a href="">Woocommerce installation guide here</a></p>\n<p>To check details on our WooCommerce helpdesk, <a href="">click here</a>.</p>\n<h2 id="videotutorial">Video tutorial:</h2>\n<p>${youtube}<a href="n5vLQhwcRN8">Video tutorial on how to install Crisp on WordPress</a></p>\n<p>Want to know more about Crisp features and pricing? Click here to see the detail: <a href="">live chat widget</a></p>\n<h2 id="instructions">Instructions:</h2>\n<ol>\n<li>First, you have to connect on your WordPress dashboard</li>\n<li>You have to click on Plugins / Add New and search "Crisp"</li>\n<li>Activate the Plugin</li>\n<li>On the left menu, click "Crisp Settings"</li>\n<li>Click on Link with Crisp and follow the instructions</li>\n<li>You are now able to use the Livechat from your homepage</li>\n</ol>\n<h2 id="troubleshooting">Troubleshooting</h2>\n<p>Here are a few reasons why Crisp could not work on your WordPress site. </p>\n<p><strong>First, check if you are using WP Super Cache Plugin</strong>. WP Super Cache could cache on your server an outdated version of your website. We recommend purging the Wordpress Cache after installing Crisp. </p>\n<p>If the chat doesn't show up, it's might be because your theme is not supporting <a href="">Hooks</a>. </p>\n<p>In this specific case, what we suggest is to manually add Crisp in your template, using https:/</p>"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"What's Crisp EU GDPR compliance status?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"<p><strong>The European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation that aims at unifying EU member state data privacy regulations into a single regulation, enforced on the EU single market. This article describes the GDPR compliance status of Crisp.</strong></p>\n<p><img src="" alt="" /></p>\n<p>| If your company needs to ensure it is GDPR-compliant, it also needs to ensure its providers (ie. Crisp) are also GDPR compliant. Crisp is GDPR-compliant, and strictly enforces the regulation as to protect the user data we store. The list of our providers (ie. Data Processors) is available, and kept up to date, in our Data Processing Agreement (DPA).</p>\n<p>|| Are you looking for a Data Processing Agreement (DPA)? <a href="/en/article/1wfmngo/">Read how to sign a DPA between your company and Crisp</a>.</p>\n<h1 id="crispandgdprin12points">Crisp and GDPR (in 12 points)</h1>\n<p>The GDPR regulation can be reduced to 12 important points. For each point, we explain how Crisp handles its compliance. If we did not answer your questions in this article, you can still <a href="">contact us</a> and drop us a chat or email.</p>\n<p>Also, please note that all Crisp data processor providers have been checked to be all GDPR-compliant (<a href="">Cloudflare</a>, <a href="">DigitalOcean</a>, <a href="">Stripe</a>). See the DPA we provid</p>"}}]}

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